Here is an e-mail I just got from my illustrious Republican Representative in Congress, John Sullivan, responding to a letter I sent him regarding prisoner abuse. I just love how he spouts the Administration line that the abuse was limited to "a few soldiers," thus freeing anyone high up from any responsibility whatsoever--despite evidence that people, perhaps as high up as Rumsfeld himself, knew about or even
ordered the abuse to occur. It's just such a transparent lie that it's sickening.
Dear Ethan,
Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts regarding prisoner abuse at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and other prison centers. It is good to hear from you and I welcome the opportunity to respond on this important issue.
The recent examples of prisoner abuse are shocking and do not represent the values of our military or those of our Nation. The Department of Defense is taking allegations of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib very seriously and is continuing to investigate the possible abuses. In addition, the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for intelligence has initiated an investigation into all intelligence practices in Iraq.
As you know, the vast majority of U.S. service members conduct themselves in strict accordance with their training, and represent themselves, the United States and the Coalition honorably. The military is a values-based organization committed to the respect of the international laws of armed conflict. It is important to remember only a few soldiers performed these acts. The crimes of a few soldiers should not take away from the sacrifices of over 300,000 members of the Armed Forces who have served, or who are currently serving, in Operation Iraqi Freedom. As your Representative, please know I will continue to monitor this issue until all of the facts are known and the investigation is justly concluded.
Again, thank you for contacting me. It is an honor to serve you in Washington. If you would like more information on issues, or would like to share your thoughts with me via e-mail, you may visit my website at http://sullivan.house.gov. Please do not hesitate to contact me again should you have further concerns on federal legislation or programs.