Thursday, December 18, 2008

Well, here's at least one decent progressive choice...

Obama will nominate Rep. Hilda Solis of California as Labor Secretary. According to the AP:

Andy Stern, president of the 1.9-million member Service Employees International Union, the 51-year-old praised Solis for her deep roots in the union movement. He recalled marching with her in Los Angeles — well before she was elected to Congress — to seek higher wages and benefits for janitors.

A Kos diarist gives some more insight, quoting a source that described her this way:

Congresswoman Solis is an officer of the radical Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives. According to the leftwing Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), Solis votes with the left 100 percent of the time.

She's got a good pro-worker voting record:

Voted NO on promoting free trade with Peru. (Nov 2007)

Voted YES on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization. (Oct 2007)

Voted NO on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)

Voted NO on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement. (Jul 2004)

Voted NO on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement. (Jul 2003)

Voted NO on implementing free trade agreement with Chile. (Jul 2003)

No MFN for China; condition trade on human rights. (Nov 1999)

She'll be key to getting the EFCA passed next year and strengthening the rights of workers to organize.